360° Omikoshi in Mitaka (三鷹八幡大神社のお神輿祭)

Every year in September, there is a festival held by the Hachimandai Shrine (八幡大神社) in Mitaka (三鷹) that involves omikoshi (お神輿), which is a portable shrine that is usually carried by shouldering, and big drums called oodaiko (大太鼓). This year, the festival was held on the weekend of September 10th.

While it is one of the smaller more local festivals, it will be a great bonus if you happen to be in the area at that time, as you can comfortably enjoy the event without the swarming crowds which are usually prevalent at festivals held closer to central Tokyo.

The omikoshi gets carried through the main streets close to Mitaka station, and the oodaiko will also be carried around as one skilful person continuously beats the oodaiko, creating a sound which resonates throughout the entire neighbourhood.

Here is a glimpse of the oodaiko passing by.

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